Monday, March 31, 2008

Rain! God is good!

For those of you who saw my request in my Saturday post, and prayed for rain....

Thank you! On Sunday morning we woke up to drizzles and mud, and we have not seen the sun since. :) All the plants are so bright green! Today looks like another cloudy day.

Isn't God good? I'm so glad He answers prayer. Thank you for praying.

Seeing how God answered this prayer made me realize what a blessing it is to have a blog - I get to come in contact with more sisters in Christ!! And you are willing to send up prayers for me - a person who you've never met. That's special. I'd appreciate it if you would also pray for a certain family that our family is trying to win to Christ. My heart is so burdened for them.

...Oh - and just in case this isn't obvious, you can stop praying for rain. We like sun once in awhile, too! (Good thing God knows what's best for our plants!)

Oh - and happy April!

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