Thursday, September 18, 2008


It's 8:44pm, and I'm just now getting around to posting on my blog. For those of you who don't know my daily schedule, ...that means it's been a busy day.

But a good busy. I feel as if I've accomplished some things, which is a lovely feeling.

To start with, I had dish duty today. Washing dishes for three meals, for 7-8 people takes some time out of the day. :)

But before breakfast - and dishes - I was able to go out running in our nice backyard. That's a great way to wake up and start the day. Then I came inside with plenty of time to read in my Bible. That's a superb way to start the day.

I tried some blueberry tea at breakfast today. I'm not a "hot drink" person - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or anything, but this tea was good, and I mean good.

Cleaning the toilet after breakfast dishes were done was the next thing to be checked off the list. (Okay, it doesn't sound very proper to be mentioning this task, but, hey, somebody has to clean it!)

I also managed to cut out some future sewing projects this morning; one dozen cloth napkins (for my hope chest), and almost half the pieces for a quilt.

A half hour before lunch, I began working on a soup; the recipe was a new one. It turned out well, though only Mom and I tried it for lunch. My younger siblings don't like lentils or onions and tomatoes in soup. :)

After lunch dishes were done, the next thing in my day was history. I usually teach for one hour, but today I was pleasantly surprised by my younger brother insisting on spending an hour and a half on his history, even after his younger sisters left. This is the brother who doesn't like school! I was soooo happy. I treated him to a cookie.

After putting the books away, I spent a little time crocheting an afghan while watching a good old-fashioned black-and-white movie show (on DVD).

Then I left with Mom to run some errands for the rest of the afternoon. We came home in time to fix supper and... yes, do dishes. :)

Now, Family Bible Time is over (we're going through the book of Revelation), and I'm sitting here typing.

So there's my day, all written out. Not much to look at, I suppose, and perhaps of no interest to anyone but myself, but it's all I have to share today.

You know, sometimes it's just simple life that thrills a heart. Slowing down and looking for each blessing makes the day special.

The yellow light of early morning...the dampness of dew soaking into my running shoes...

...the peace of reading God's Word...

...the delicate beauty of a blue and white teacup filled with steaming tea...the thought of the Christmas my sister gave me that teacup...

...the foam of bubbles in the dishpan...the orderliness of neatly folded dish towels in the drawer...

... The nice solid sound of a shiny knife against the cutting board...the pungent smell of herbs in a soup... own voice reading history aloud...the warmth in my heart as I watch my brother's head bent over his writing for so many minutes...

...the fun of traveling around town, seeing old and new things...

...conversation around the dinner table...

...fellowship around God's Word....energetic discussions about the text...prayer together...

...the click of my nails against the keyboard of this computer...the comments I read that you kind ladies have left...

Yes, it's the small things - that aren't so small - that make a day special.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Oh, please tell me how you make your own cottage cheese! I would love to know how. I did a google search but had a hard time coming up with anything very helpful. Oh, and I can't wait to try your syrup recipe! I've been thinking surely I could use honey for it, since I don't want to use corn syrup. Thanks for such an enjoyable blog!

Kimmie in Fort Worth