Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I haven't deserted you...

...I've just lost my computer! Viruses are nasty. What diabolical mind would create something like that and send it out to ruin the lives of total strangers?
My laptop is in the shop right now, and I'm praying that I haven't lost all my files! I have stuff on there that I really, really, really don't want to lose. I've had the computer for 5 years, and I write books and run two businesses from it, so there's quite a bit of data on there!
I praise the Lord for what He is teaching me through this experience. Patience. Trust. Time management. Trust. Priorities. Trust. I am thankful for His loving heart, and His tender teaching!
But I'm still praying that I'll get my files back. Would you pray too?
Meanwhile, maybe you'll get a post or two, from my parent's computer....but not right now. :)

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