Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dear God...

...Thank You for a slow computer. It makes computer addiction SO much less appealing.

Thank You for the rainy, dreary day outside. It smells so good. And it kept me from wasting time outside this morning.

Thank You that I'm getting older. Every day is a day closer to Heaven - and YOU.

Thank You for health issues. They make me realize that everything I have is Yours already.

Thank You for taking away things I love. It makes me focus on You.

Thank You for giving me challenges. They work patience, and patience worketh experience, and experience worketh hope. And hope maketh us not ashamed, because Your love has shined abroad in our hearts.

Thank You that nothing lasts forever - not even people. I don't want anyone to become an idol for me.

Thank You that I'm not rich. I want to be able to ask You for my daily bread. And I want to watch You supply my needs.

Thank You for giving me work to do.

Thank You that I'm not a perfect beauty. I have a hard enough struggle with pride without that complicating matters.

Thank You that I'm not a perfect Christian. I want to rest in YOU, not me.

Thank You for my family.

Thank You for my church.

Thank You for Your Word. Thank You, thank You, thank You!

Thank You for my puppy. Thank You for puppy kisses.

Thank You for knowing the future. Thank You for not telling me everything You know.

Thank You for holding me.

Thank You for being trust-worthy.

Thank You for always making everything work out okay.

Thank You for putting a thankful spirit in my heart - it can only come from You.

I love You.


SoulsforChrist7 said...


Wow, thanks so much for this post. Or maybe I should thank God for it instead. :) It really changed my perspective. Especially the reasons to thank God for things that we normally complain to Him about! Please keep posting when you can. I've missed you. :)Have a blessed day!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful words of thankfulness. xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words of thankfulness. xx

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amen!!